What is ServerOverflow?

This is a server scanner that collects various statistics, which are public to anyone visiting this website.
However, accessing our player, server and honeypot logs are only accessible by a small circle of close friends.
We don't grief innocent servers. We aren't like the fifth column. This is purely a passion project.

How did you find my server?

There is a limited amount of IPv4 addresses, and it's small enough to be scanned.
This allows us to ping and join almost every Minecraft server that exists on the Internet.

How do I secure my server?

I would suggest you to enable whitelist on your server, and in case you have online mode disabled:

Can I trust you?

Maybe. If you want to trust me, sure. I can't really do much to change your opinion.
Through, for transparency, the entirety of ServerOverflow's infrastructure is open-source, which consists of:

I don't want my server to be scanned!

Contact me and give me a list of IP addresses to exclude.

Why does registration require an invitation code?

As I have mentioned before, I only let my close friends access player, server and honeypot logs.
Such a system was implemented to make sure random griefers can't abuse ServerOverflow.

One of your bots griefed my server!

That means you have offline mode enabled, which lets anyone impersonate us.
If someone griefs your server "using" one of our bot accounts, that's NOT us!

How often should I expect pings and bots?

I can't guarantee how often you would get pinged.
Though, a bot should only join your server once.

What bot accounts does ServerOverflow use?

How do I contact you?

You can DM me on discord, telegram, or email me over at [email protected].